nicole loving earth
nicole loving earth podcast
divine love meditation

divine love meditation

a meditation to connect the hearts of those you love x

what is divine partnership? 

how do we recognise it? 

how do we feel safe to cultivate these relationships into healthy, loving spaces of respite & freedom?

divine partnership is not only romantic, it is our loving relationships we create when our souls are connected for a moment, a period of our life or a lifetime. they are our loving relationships with our partners or chosen romantic counterpart, they are the love between family, siblings, lovers, mother or father & child, friendships, co-workers and business partnerships.

a divine partnership is two souls coming together to create something greater than the singular. we expand each other just by being together, we learn, we heal, we grow together. the divine partnership may only last a moment, though forever you are changed. 

you are being asked to let go of the limits set on a divine partnership that it must only be romantic. No, no, it is anytime you are more you with this person, you feel expanded, you feel greater, being in this others energy. And they, the same. It is an even energy exchange between two souls. 

You have the energy of the child when together, there is curiosity, play, fearlessness, explosions of new ideas, laughing till you feel you cannot laugh anymore. They ‘just get you’.

I had a beautiful session with my client hayley and I spoke of this concept and how to expand the love of a divine partnership, and with inspiration coming from hayley, I have recorded a meditation to support this idea and love we share. 

this meditation can be done with your loved one together, or you can visualise and practice this meditation by distance, it does not matter, energy is everything, everything is energy and the loving intent will allow this energy to expand. 

so, have a listen, and let me know what changes for you x what love comes in for you x expand the love in your world xx

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when I first had this meditation come through, it changed everything for me. 

divine love is not to be clung to or forced, there is freedom, free will, having this kind of connection is a free flowing river of love, not to be defined by societal norms or practices, so allow the letting go of what you or others deem your love should look or behave like. 

it felt like I had found a safe space to rest within another heart space, and they too had this place of rest within mine. 

this is love - our safe space to rest. 

freedom within love allows the freedom of choice. always & forever, or a singular moment, it still is and always will be love x

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nicole is a writer & teacher of consciousness, spirituality & metaphysics; a gifted channel, akashic reader and energetic practitioner based in sydney, aus

connect with nicole via her website here -

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intro and outro music performed by adam newling, find adam on instagram here -

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nicole loving earth
nicole loving earth podcast
welcome to the nicole loving earth podcast.
a series of conversations meditations & experiences shared to widen your perception of consciousness and connection.
each episode explores different topics around spirituality, healing, consciousness and ways of opening our hearts and minds to what else there is.
nicole forrest is a teacher of spirituality, meditation, consciousness and metaphysics; a channel and psychic medium with clients and students across the world. an avid surfer, mum, writer and poet, lover of love, good food and good music, she spends her days with sunrise, surfing and being of service.
a message from nicole...
love love love is what I am here for...
I have clients and students, clients come to me for different things such as healing, talk therapy, guidance with relationships and love, spiritual connection and practice, hypnotherapy or energy shifting.
students come to me to learn what I do. all I practice, I teach also.
I have meditation classes twice a week and run little events and workshops. my last one was a mens group called the gentle man. I love what I do & the community we are creating.
sometimes people are drawn to me for help, sometimes they’re drawn because it’s their time to take a leap, sometimes it’s just so they can believe there is still love in the world.
& I am here for it all x check links in bio for ways of connecting, we are all here to help each other & to love
I love you, nicole x
connect with nicole via her website here -
connect with nicole on instagram here -